Find True Partner On Alif Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad Website
Islam brings comprehensive system of bringing the paradoxical genders through marriage to avoid social evils. Thread of the same reel is the prevailing wickedness which most of the single/unmarried people commit prior to marriage. Specially in Hyderabad and rest of countries, in contrast to the Muslim countries, where the religious restrictions come in place to thwart any unbecoming event (social evil) unmarried people are found indulged in friendship with opposite gender. Being single (especially when you own means and willfully abstain from marriage) is against the spirit of Islam. The fact is gin clear from the maxims of holy prophet (PB.U.H). It thus runs as:
"If the one who owns the means and does not marry is not the one from us"
It's true that males and females are like the charges on opposite poles, so their attraction towards each other is spontaneous, which without saying brings them so close, making them intimate each other and considerably increasing the affinity between them to such an extent that it opens the ways of courtship and other similar means which an Islamic society strongly outlaws. So to deter the harassment and consequent ill-effects arising due to dating, hangouts etc. Islam urges to tie the young people in marital knot. Allah ordains thus in Quran:
'And wed the single among you' [Al-Quran]
Apart from this apostle of Allah has reiterated rather emphasized the need of marriage on various occasions. He thus says, while making necessary the basics:
"Marry the girl when she is nubile and her other-half is found"
To interlard this saying of prophet, Hazrat Ayesha is the prototype for the girls, who was wed when she was 9. These sayings and Quranic text have a wonderful strategy for proliferation of human race in a most settled and honorable way.
In the light of this saying of prophet it must not be forgotten (which mostly single Muslims in Hyderabad and is overlooked) to secure the mutual consensus of about to be married couple, otherwise most of the marriages are broken due to personal authoritarian style of parents while imposing the sanctions on their children, partly the marriage breaking owes to the immature decisions of young couple. It's sad to say that Europe bereft the moral values which is the tragedy and the most soul crushing is the fact that Muslims living there are also cast to their molds. This is best opportunity for all people to meet many girls for matrimonial purpose. The online Muslim Matrimonial Hyderabad website is secure and reliable source for muslim matrimonial.
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